Ms. Senior Nevada

            2015 Pageant Qualifications:


1. Must have reached the age of 60 by the Pageant Date.
2. Must be a resident of the State of Nevada
3. Must be a United States Citizen.

1. Will be available beginning January 2015

2. Must be returned within 14 days of the date of the mailing.

A interview and an audition of talent will be performed for our Pageant 

If Selected there is a total application cost of $400.00. The cost includes a full page
    color ad in the pageant program book $250.00, placed by you or a family member, 
    sponsor or business associate. A DVD of the Pageant $40.00, a Photo Package of 
    your performance $50.00, and two sets of tickets for the Pageant and Talent 
    Showcase $50.00, and one talent showcase ticket for contestant attending the 
    show, $10.00.

The Ms. Senior Nevada America Pageant is the world’s first and foremost pageant to emphasize and give honor to women who have reached the “Age of Elegance.” It is a search for the gracious lady who best exemplifies the dignity, maturity and
inner beauty of all Senior Americans.
The attributes and qualities being sought in selecting Ms. Senior Nevada America
as an inspiring role model for everyone:

• A respected Ambassador and Public Relations Representative of Senior Nevada and sponsors
• Talented, intelligent and enthusiastic
• Great communicator … courage of convictions
• Leader with experience and presence
• Personal pride in overall appearance … attractive
• Outgoing personality … inner and outer beauty

Scoring System:
Contestants are scored in 4 weighted categories: INTERVIEW, TALENT (30% each), EVENING GOWN and PHILOSOPHY of LIFE (20% each). Each contestant is given a raw score from 1 to 10 (whole numbers only with 10 being the highest) in each category. Tabulator will apply weightings.
Each contestant competes against herself, rather than being compared to other contestants. Thus, the criterion for each contestant is to receive a score, relative to the best she could be in that category. More than one contestant may receive the
same score in any particular category. Scorecards are collected after each category is completed to facilitate tallying.

The Judges’ Chairperson will time each contestant and assess a penalty of -3 points/judge to a contestant who exceeds the time limit set in the TALENT presentation and -2 points/judge in the PHILOSOPHY of LIFE. In case of a tie, the highest INTERVIEW score wins. If still tied, TALENT, then PHILOSOPHY of LIFE,
then EVENING GOWN scores are used as tiebreakers in that order. Tie breaking will be used for the finalists only.

The Interview:
The judge’s panel will meet with each contestant for a private timed interview of about 5 minutes (duration will be the same for each contestant). The purpose is to evaluate the qualities / attributes listed above that a contestant offers to the role of Ms. Senior Nevada America.

Talent Presentation:
You will see a variety of talents which are a vehicle by which you can discern and measure a contestant’s commitment / discipline to her stage performance. Each contestant performs a presentation of about 2 minutes 45 seconds. If longer, penalty
points will be assigned (see Scoring System above) to ensure fairness to all contestants. Extensions for applause / technical difficulties will not be penalized. The talent presentation should be in good taste, not offensive, presented with dignity and style (content / costume) and reflect the “Age of Elegance”.

Criteria for TALENT score: [10=best imagined]
• Technical skill level (difficulty, level of achievement, execution, technique)
• Stage presence (on stage personality)
• Costume, props, voice, choreography
• Entertainment value and ability to adapt to various environments (small stage, no mic, etc.). This may be difficult to determine but, Ms. Senior Nevada America and Talent Showcase Ladies must be able to perform in a variety of situations to be great role models

Evening Gown:
Senior Nevada America believes that clothes (or price tags) do not make the woman but rather the woman makes the clothes. Poise and grace enhance the gown. Our Pageant combines the Evening Gown and Philosophy of Life. The judges will mark Evening Gown score immediately (before contestant begins Philosophy). Then the judges will score the Philosophy separately.

Criteria for GOWN score: [10 is best imagined]
• Overall first impression / attractive
• Sense of confidence
• Personality and stage presence
• Technique, walk, poise, grace and posture
• Appropriate for Ms. Nevada America

Philosophy of Life:
True beauty is a matter of insight as well as eyesight. The character of Ms. Senior Nevada America should itself be beautiful and admired. The contestant’s Philosophy of Life should embody the beliefs that she feels were her guiding principles and will lead to success in daily living. It is not a bio or life history. The Philosophy of Life must be given within 35 seconds. If exceeded, penalty points are assigned (see Scoring System above) to ensure fairness to all contestants. Extensions for applause / technical difficulties will not be penalized.

Criteria for scoring: [10 is the best imagined]
• Unique, personal and from the heart
• Ability to memorize / deliver a short oration
• Beneficial and inspirational words of wisdom
• Poise and deliveryInfo.html

©2014 Ms. Senior Nevada Pageant Inc.